A. Foundation 基礎
1. Demonstrates Ethical Practice 展現道德行為
Definition: Understands and consistently applies coaching ethics and standards of coaching
(1) Demonstrates personal integrity and honesty in interactions with clients, sponsors and relevant stakeholders
(1) 在與客戶、付款人和相關的關鍵人的互動中表現個人的正直和誠信
(2) Is sensitive to clients’ identity, environment, experiences, values and beliefs
(2) 對客戶的身份、環境、經歷、價值觀和信念都保持敏感
(3) Uses language appropriate and respectful to clients, sponsors and relevant stakeholders
(3) 對客戶、付款人及相關的關鍵人能使用適當與尊重的語言
(4) Abides by the ICF Code of Ethics and upholds the Core Values
(4) 遵守ICF道德標準,堅持核心價值(Integrity: Excellence: Collaboration: Respect.)
(5) Maintains confidentiality with client information per stakeholder agreements and pertinent laws
(5) 能在相關法律及關鍵人協議下為客戶的資訊保密
(6) Maintains the distinctions between coaching, consulting, psychotherapy and other support professions
(6) 保持對教練、顧問、諮商和其他提供支援的專業人士的清楚區別
(7) Refers clients to other support professionals, as appropriate
(7) 需要時將客戶轉介給其他提供支援的專業人士
2. Embodies a Coaching Mindset 體現教練心態
Definition: Develops and maintains a mindset that is open, curious, flexible and client-centered
(1) Acknowledges that clients are responsible for their own choices
(1) 肯定客戶要對他自己的選擇負責
(2) Engages in ongoing learning and development as a coach
(2) 身為教練能持續投入學習和發展
(3) Develops an ongoing reflective practice to enhance one’s coaching
(3) 發展持續反思的習慣來提升教練能力
(4) Remains aware of and open to the influence of context and culture on self and others
(4) 對環境和文化對自己和他人的影響,保持覺察和開放的態度
(5) Uses awareness of self and one’s intuition to benefit clients
(5) 使用自我覺察和直覺來讓客戶受益
(6) Develops and maintains the ability to regulate one’s emotions
(6) 培養並保持管理情緒的能力
(7) Mentally and emotionally prepares for sessions
(7) 心理和情緒上都為會談最好準備
(8) Seeks help from outside sources when necessary
(8) 必要的時候,向外部資源尋求幫助
B. Co-Creating the Relationship 共創關係
3. Establishes and Maintains Agreements 建立與維持協議
Definition: Partners with the client and relevant stakeholders to create clear agreements about the coaching relationship, process, plans and goals. Establishes agreements for the overall coaching engagement as well as those for each coaching session.
(1) Explains what coaching is and is not and describes the process to the client and relevant stakeholders
(1) 為客戶和關鍵人描述教練流程,解釋教練是什麼,不是什麼。
(2) Reaches agreement about what is and is not appropriate in the relationship, what is and is not being offered, and the responsibilities of the client and relevant stakeholders
(2) 就以下內容達成一致:教練關係中什麼是合適的,什麼是不合適的;教練會提供什麼,不會提供什麼;客戶和關鍵人的責任是什麼
(3) Reaches agreement about the guidelines and specific parameters of the coaching relationship such as logistics, fees, scheduling, duration, termination, confidentiality and inclusion of others
(3) 就教練關係的指導原則和關鍵要素達成協議,例如:支援、費用、時間、時程、終止協議、保密和是否有他人參與
(4) Partners with the client and relevant stakeholders to establish an overall coachingplan and goals
(4) 與客戶和關鍵人合作建立完整的教練計劃和目標
(5) Partners with the client to determine client-coach compatibility
(5) 與客戶合作來決定客戶-教練的匹配度
(6) Partners with the client to identify or reconfirm what they want to accomplish in the session
(6) 與客戶合作來發掘或確認客戶想在會談中實現什麼
(7) Partners with the client to define what the client believes they need to address or resolve to achieve what they want to accomplish in the session
(7) 與客戶合作來定義客戶認為他們需要在會談中專注或解決什麼,以達成會談的成果
(8) Partners with the client to define or reconfirm measures of success for what the client wants to accomplish in the coaching engagement or individual session
(8) 與客戶合作來定義或確認在長期教練協議,或者一次教練約談中,客戶想要完成的目標的成功的衡量標準
(9) Partners with the client to manage the time and focus of the session
(9) 與客戶合作,管理會談的時間和會談的重點
(10) Continues coaching in the direction of the client’s desired outcome unless the client indicates otherwise
(10) 持續朝著客戶期望的結果方向進行教練,除非客戶表示有其他想法
(11) Partners with the client to end the coaching relationship in a way that honors the experience
(11) 與客戶以尊重經驗的方式合作,一直到教練關係結束
4. Cultivates Trust and Safety 培養信任與安全感
Definition: Partners with the client to create a safe, supportive environment that allows the client to share freely. Maintains a relationship of mutual respect and trust.
(1) Seeks to understand the client within their context which may include their identity, environment, experiences, values and beliefs
(1) 了解客戶的背景,包括客戶的身份、環境、經歷、價值觀和信念
(2) Demonstrates respect for the client’s identity, perceptions, style and language and adapts one’s coaching to the client
(2) 展現對客戶身份、觀點、風格和語言的尊重,並用適合客戶的方式教練
(3) Acknowledges and respects the client’s unique talents, insights and work in the coaching process
(3) 在教練過程中認可並尊重客戶展現的獨特的才能、洞見和工作
(4) Shows support, empathy and concern for the client
(4) 對客戶表達支持、同理和關心
(5) Acknowledges and supports the client’s expression of feelings, perceptions, concerns, beliefs and suggestions
(5) 肯定和支持客戶表達自己的感受、觀點、擔心、信念和建議
(6) Demonstrates openness and transparency as a way to display vulnerability and build trust with the clients
(6) 能展現自己的脆弱以示範開放和透明,並與客戶建立信任關係
5. Maintains Presence 教練當下
Definition: Is fully conscious and present with the client, employing a style that is open, flexible,grounded and confident.
(1) Remains focused, observant, empathetic and responsive to the client
(1) 保持對客戶的專注、敏銳的觀察、同理和回應
(2) Demonstrates curiosity during the coaching process
(2) 在教練過程中展現好奇心
(3) Manages one’s emotions to stay present with the client
(3) 管理自己的情緒,與客戶同在
(4) Demonstrates confidence in working with strong client emotions during the coaching process
(4) 在教練過程中,對處理客戶的強烈情緒展現信心
(5) Is comfortable working in a space of not knowing
(5) 能夠舒適地在[我不知道]的空間中工作
(6) Creates or allows space for silence, pause or reflection
(6) 創造或允許沉默、暫停或反思的空間
C. Communicating Effectively 有效溝通
6. Listens Actively 積極聆聽
Definition: Focuses on what the client is and is not saying to fully understand what is being communicate
(1) Considers the client’s context, identity, environment, experiences, values and beliefs to enhance understanding of what the client is communicating
(1) 考慮客戶的背景、身份、環境、經歷、價值觀和信念來加深對客戶正在溝通的事情的理解。
(2) Reflects or summarizes what the client communicated to ensure clarity and understanding
(2) 反映或總結客戶溝通了什麼來確保清晰和理解
(3) Recognizes and inquires when there is more to what the client is communicating
(3) 理解及探尋客戶溝通的內容背後可能還有更多
(4) Notices, acknowledges and explores the client’s emotions, energy shifts, non-verbal cues or other behaviors
(4) 注意、承認和探索客戶的情緒、能量的轉變、非語言訊息或者其他行為
(5) Integrates the client’s words, tone of voice and body language to determine the full meaning of what is being communicated
(5) 整合客戶的語言、語調語氣和身體語言來決定溝通的全部意涵
(6) Notices trends in the client’s behaviors and emotions across sessions to discern themes and pattern
(6) 注意客戶在不同會談中的行為和情緒的模式,來識別主題和模式
7. Evokes Awareness 喚起覺察
Definition: Facilitates client insight and learning by using tools and techniques such as powerful questioning, silence, metaphor or analogy.
(1) Considers client experience when deciding what might be most useful
(1) 在決定什麼是最有效的方式時,考慮客戶的經驗
(2) Challenges the client as a way to evoke awareness or insight
(2) 通過挑戰客戶來喚起客戶的覺察或洞見
(3) Asks questions that help the client explore beyond current thinking
(3) 提出能幫助客戶探索超越當前思維的問題
(4) Invites the client to share more about their experience in the moment
(4) 邀請客戶分享更多當下的經驗
(5) Notices what is working to enhance client progress
(5) 留意可以推動客戶進步的有效方式
(6) Adjusts the coaching approach in response to the client’s needs
(6) 基於客戶需求調整教練方式
(7) Helps the client identify factors that influence current and future patterns of behavior, thinking or emotion
(7) 幫助客戶識別影響現在和未來的行為模式、思考模式或情緒模式的因素
(8) Invites the client to generate ideas about how they can move forward and what they are willing or able to do
(8) 邀請客戶思考他們能如何向前推進,以及他們願意、能夠做什麼
(9) Supports the client in reframing perspectives
(9) 支持客戶重新塑造他們的觀點
(10) Shares observations, insights and feelings, without attachment, that have the potential to create new learning for the client
(10) 自在的分享可能為客戶創造新的學習的觀察、洞見和感受
D. Cultivating Learning and Growth 培養學習與成長
8. Facilitates Client Growth 引導客戶成長
Definition: Partners with the client to transform learning and insight into action. Promotes client autonomy in the coaching process.
(1) Works with the client to integrate new awareness, insight or learning into their world view and behaviors
(1) 與客戶一起工作,將新的覺察、洞見或學習整合進他們的世界觀和行為中
(2) Partners with the client to design goals, actions and accountability measures that integrate and expand new learning
(2) 與客戶合作設計目標、行動和當責衡量,來整合和擴展新的學習
(3) Acknowledges and supports client autonomy in the design of goals, actions and methods of accountability
(3) 肯定和支持客戶在設計目標、行動和當責方法時的自主性
(4) Supports the client in identifying potential results or learning from identified action steps
(4) 支持客戶從確認的行動計劃中的獲得潛在的結果或學習
(5) Invites the client to consider how to move forward, including resources, support and potential barriers
(5) 邀請客戶考慮如何向前推進,包括資源、支持和潛在障礙
(6) Partners with the client to summarize learning and insight within or between sessions
(6) 在會談中或在會談之間,與客戶總結學習和洞見
(7) Celebrates the client’s progress and successes
(7) 慶祝客戶的進步和成功
(8) Partners with the client to close the session
(8) 結束會談仍維持夥伴關係
Source: ICF